

The Fitness Spot will be a well-designed space for individual and group training programs. Here, as clients are training, the intensity of the exercises will be monitored live through a technological system giving both the coach and client a better understanding of progress and overall performance.

Our philosophy stems from training based on 5 exercise zones that we link to the heart rates of our clients. Each exerciser will see on the screen their name, heart rate (using corresponding colors), zone lines to their heart rate, and calories burned.
The data obtained will help the trainer do their work based on the best, safest, and highest results.

In an era where modern lifestyles have rapidly increased chronic diseases (e.g., obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, etc.), Fitness Spot seeks to promote good health through movement tailored to the client’s needs and wants. All in all, as Fitness Spot our goal I helping our clients gain a better quality of life

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